Improved Cab Handrail Is Now Used on Certain Motor Graders {7256} Caterpillar

Improved Cab Handrail Is Now Used on Certain Motor Graders {7256} [M0124715]
Improved Cab Handrail Is Now Used on Certain Motor Graders {7256}
Motor Grader
16 (S/N: EN51-101; NN51-120)
16M Series 3 (S/N: E9Y1-206,225-400; N9Y1-108,201-203,207-209,225-286)
18 (S/N: EN61-104; NN61-129)
18M Series 3 (S/N: N9A1-253; E9W1-301)

Reference: Special Instruction, M0112560, "A Procedure to Rework the Cab Handrail on Certain 16M3 and 18M3 Motor Graders Is Now Available"

Description Of Change: The improved cab handrail provides an additional clearance to the cab assembly, when the cab door is partially opened.

Adaptable To: The following changes are adaptable to the products within the listed serial numbers, and are effective with all products after the listed serial numbers.

------ WARNING! ------

Do not operate or work on this product unless you have read and understood the instruction and warnings in the relevant Operation and Maintenance Manuals and relevant service literature. Failure to follow the instructions or heed the warnings could result in injury or death. Proper care is your responsibility.

Illustration 1g06617592
Some parts are hidden for clarity - Typical example
(1) Cab handrail

Table 1
Item  Improved Part Number  Part Name 
590-2951  Handrail (Left) 
590-2952 Handrail (Right) 
For machines above the listed serial number, improved handrail (1) is factory assembled on ROPS cab assembly.

For machines within the listed serial number, the existing cab handrail may be reworked.

For rework procedure, refer to Special Instruction, M0112560, "A Procedure to Rework the Cab Handrail on Certain 16M3 and 18M3 Motor Graders Is Now Available".

The special instruction is available through the normal literature distribution system. The publication can also be found on the Cat® Service Information System (SIS).

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