New Torque Converter Group Is Now Used on Certain Medium Wheel Loaders and Wheel Skidders {3030, 3101} Caterpillar

New Torque Converter Group Is Now Used on Certain Medium Wheel Loaders and Wheel Skidders {3030, 3101} [M0124345]
New Torque Converter Group Is Now Used on Certain Medium Wheel Loaders and Wheel Skidders {3030, 3101}
Wheel Loader
950L (S/N: TNS1-151,250-712,1001-1015,1200-1343; LXX1-228,10201-10582,20201-20245)
950M (S/N: KSA1-185,740-752; EMB1-1395,2101-2697,3501-4160,39959; ENE1-235,10201-10453,20201-20226; XCJ1-137,139-161,10101-10401,20101-20388; NHL1-204,206-260; FTR1-177,301-724,901-1221; LCR1,300; J1S1,250-961,1301-1302,1401-2515,3101-3388)
950M Z (S/N: HE81-315,10250-10526,20101-20201)
962L (S/N: MTN1-163,262-377,701-707,900-920; SXS1-203,10201-10289,20201-20219)
962M (S/N: K881-324,501-540; EJB1-333,501-562,901-982; JYD1,103-129,10101-10457,20101-20248; LSE1-208,10201-10271,20201-20225; RKH1-259,370-374,377-412; RCL1-203,501-502; J2S1-162,301-302,401-539,701-720; F2T1-129,201-420,501-622)
962M Z (S/N: SA81-261,10250-10306,20101-20142)
966L (S/N: FSL1,10204-10706,20201-20418; FRS1-233,1066-1625,1901-2185)
966M (S/N: MD71-196,401-592; EJA1-154,1380-2277,3101-3386; DYC1-238,401-795,1001-1388; R8D1-220,1201-1254,1501-1505; LMM1,10202-10390,20101-20207; KJP1-1286,1601-1879,2401-2978; L8R1-10272,20201-20232; GMS1-243,254-289,291-336,560-826,828-831)
972L (S/N: RFB1-177,1072-1142,1401-1463; YJW1-10242,20201-20207)
972M (S/N: A781-252,340-376,378-477; L8E1-216,1201-1229; LSJ1-162,1520-2100,2501-2874; GGN1,10202-10281,20101-20125; WGN1-193,401-505; A8P1-688,901-1094,1501-1807; JPR1-240,301-610,801-960; M8W1,10202-10267,20201-20241)
Wheel Skidder
525D (S/N: 2L51-183; GKP1-619)
535D (S/N: 3L51-155; MTP1-586)
545D (S/N: 4L51-198; KGP1-350)
555D (S/N: 5L51-135; PGY1-181)

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, KENR7517, "525D535D545D555D Wheel Skidders", "Torque Converter and Transmission - Remove and Install".

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, KENR7517, "525D535D545D555D Wheel Skidders", "Torque Converter - Assemble".

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, KENR7517, "525D535D545D555D Wheel Skidders", "Torque Converter - Disassemble".

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, M0071428, "950L T3962L T3 Wheel Loader", "Torque Converter (Freewheel Stator) (Lockup) - Disassemble".

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, M0071428, "950L T3962L T3 Wheel Loader", "Torque Converter (Freewheel Stator) (Lockup) - Assemble".

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, M0071428, "950L T3962L T3 Wheel Loader", "Torque Converter and Transmission - Remove and Install"

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, UENR3112, "950M962M950M Z962M Z Wheel Loaders", "Torque Converter (Freewheel Stator) (Lockup) - Disassemble"

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, UENR3112, "950M962M950M Z962M Z Wheel Loaders", "Torque Converter and Transmission - Remove and Install"

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, M0071452, "966M Tier 3972M Tier 3966L Tier 3972L Tier 3 Wheel Loader", "Torque Converter (Freewheel Stator) (Lockup) - Disassemble"

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, M0071452, "966M Tier 3972M Tier 3966L Tier 3972L Tier 3 Wheel Loader", "Torque Converter (Freewheel Stator) (Lockup) - Assemble"

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, M0071452, "966M Tier 3972MTier 3966LTier 3972LTier 3 Wheel Loader", "Torque Converter, Transmission, and Output Transfer Gears - Remove and Install"

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, UENR0378, "966M Tier 4972M Tier 4 Wheel Loaders", "Torque Converter (Freewheel Stator) (Lockup) - Assemble"

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, UENR0378, "966M Tier 4972M Tier 4 Wheel Loaders", "Torque Converter (Freewheel Stator) (Lockup) - Disassemble"

Reference: Disassembly and Assembly, UENR0378, "966M Tier 4972M Tier 4 Wheel Loaders", "Torque Converter, Transmission, and Output Transfer Gears - Remove and Install"

Description Of Change: The new torque converter group has smaller rollers and additional spring that prevents the roller from seizing, and increases the service life of one-way clutch.

Adaptable To: The following changes are adaptable to the products within the listed serial numbers, and are effective with all products after the listed serial numbers.

------ WARNING! ------

Do not operate or work on this product unless you have read and understood the instruction and warnings in the relevant Operation and Maintenance Manuals and relevant service literature. Failure to follow the instructions or heed the warnings could result in injury or death. Proper care is your responsibility.

------ WARNING! ------

Access to this service point may require climbing on the equipment. Slipping or falling while climbing on the equipment could result in personal injury or death. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, Mounting and Dismounting topic for safety information.

------ WARNING! ------

Failure to use an approved access system during installation and removal of components could result in slipping and falling which could result in personal injury or death. To prevent injury or death, use an approved access system to reach the appropriate mounting locations of the components. Do not climb on the machine. Maintain three-points of contact and/or use a safety harness.

------ WARNING! ------

When removing a major component or attachment, ensure that it is properly blocked or secured before removing mounting hardware. An assembly that is disconnected without proper blocking may shift or fall, resulting in serious injury or death of personnel or machine damage.

------ WARNING! ------

Do not operate the machine if any guards or covers are missing or inadequately secured. Personnel could be seriously injured or machine damage may occur.

------ WARNING! ------

Check valves in the hydraulic system may allow pressure to exist in the hydraulic lines after the engine has been stopped. Pressure must be relieved prior to servicing the components of the hydraulic system. Failure to relieve pressure prior to servicing may result in personal injury.


Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers before opening any compartment or disassembling any component containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, "Dealer Service Tool Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on Cat® products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.

Table 1
Required Parts 
Item  Qty  New Part Number  Part Name  Former Part Number(1) 
517-7206  Freewheel Cam  289-4141 
18  541-3260  Freewheel Roller  8P-7857 
521-5446  Retaining Ring  - 
18  527-0485  Freewheel Spring  456-7022 
(1) The former part number listed is for reference only and may differ.
Refer to Table 2 for new torque converter group part numbers.

Table 2
New Part Number  Part Name  Former Part Number  Sales Model 
591-5088  Torque Converter Gp  357-5988  950M, 950L, 962M, 962L 
591-5089  Torque Converter Gp  368-5930  966M, 966L 
591-5090  Torque Converter Gp  364-8164  972M, 972L 
591-5091  Torque Converter Gp  376-4257  525D, 535D, 545D, 555D 

Rework Procedure

  1. Remove the torque converter group from the machine. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly of your machine.

    Illustration 1g06613497
    (1) 517-7206 Freewheel Cam
    (2) 541-3260 Freewheel Roller
    (3) 521-5446 Retaining Ring
    (4) 527-0485 Freewheel Spring

  2. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly to disassemble the torque converter group and replace the parts listed below:

    1. Replace existing freewheel cam with new freewheel cam (1).

    2. Replace existing freewheel roller with new freewheel roller (2).

    3. Replace existing retaining ring with new retaining ring (3).

      Illustration 2g06613516
      Typical example - Transmission arrangement
      (1) 517-7206 Freewheel Cam
      (2) 541-3260 Freewheel Roller
      (4) 527-0485 Freewheel Spring

    4. Replace existing freewheel spring with new freewheel spring (4).

      Note: Assemble freewheel spring with the maximum number of loops towards outside diameter of freewheel cam. Refer to Illustration 2.

  3. Assemble the torque converter group. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly Torque Converter - Assemble for your machine.

  4. Install the torque converter group on the machine. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly for your machine.

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