Remove and Install Rotor Door Lift Valve
NOTE: Depending upon the optional equipment installed on the machine, the rotor door lift valve may be part of a two or three valve bank. Remove the valves as a unit.
1. Thoroughly clean around the hydraulic hose connections (1) and valve ports, mark the hoses for identification, then disconnect the hoses. Cap or plug all openings.
2. Remove the mounting nuts (2), then move the valve (3) straight back from the mounting bracket and move the valve away.
3. Move the valve into position on the mounting bracket and install the mounting nuts.
4. Thoroughly clean around the hose ends and valve ports, then connect the hoses to the valve.
5. Thoroughly clean around the hose ends and valve ports, then connect the hoses to the valve.
Disassemble and Assemble Rotor Door Lift Valve
NOTE: Depending upon the optional equipment installed on the machine, the rotor door lift valve may be part of a two or three valve bank. All valve sections are identical and may be disassembled using the following procedures.
1. If the machine is equipped with an optional spray system, it is suggested that before disassembly each valve section be marked to aid correct reassembly.
2. Remove the three stud nuts (1) from the left end section.
3. Remove the valve sections (2) by sliding them from the assembly studs.
4. Thoroughly clean the O-ring counterbores (3) and the ground surfaces of each section.
5. If the spool seals are to be replaced:
a. Remove bonnet assembly parts from back of valves and keep in order of disassembly.
b. Remove all parts connected to the spool on the front of the valve, either the complete handle bracket assembly, or the seal retainer assembly if a handle bracket is not furnished.
Prevent spool from turning or moving by inserting a screwdriver through clevis slot, or running a rod through the pin hole and using as a handle. Do not hold the spool with a wrench. This will destroy the finish. |
NOTE: Do not remove the spool. The seals can be replaced externally.
c. Remove retainer plate (4), retainer plate washers (5), back-up washers (6), and spool seals (7).
d. Thoroughly clean counterbore.
e. Lightly oil new seals. Slide over valve spool and insert in seal counterbore.
6. Replace the four O-rings in the O-ring counterbores (3).
7. Replace the valve sections on assembly studs in the same order in which they were removed. O-ring counterbores should be to the left when facing the "A" port-end of valve.
NOTE: Use care in replacing valve sections to avoid dislodging O-rings from counterbores.
8. When all valve sections (2) are positioned on assembly studs, replace stud nuts (1) and tighten evenly to 43 Nm (32 lb ft) torque.
If stud nuts are not tightened to the proper torque, valve spools may bind or stick, or cause section seals to extrude. |