815 Soil Compactor and 816 Landfill Compactor Systems Parameter - Test Caterpillar

Parameter - Test
1.1. Implement ECM
2.1. Diagnostic Trouble Code Procedure
3.1. FMI 2

Implement ECM

The following is a list of Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) that are associated with the configuration parameters of the ECM.

Table 1
Implement ECM (MID 082) 
J1939  CDL  Description  System Response 
  268-2  Programmed Parameter Fault : Data erratic, intermittent, or incorrect  The ECM has determined that a configuration parameter is not programmed. The ECM will display the parameter causing the problem on the Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat ET) Service Tool. 

The programming parameters identify conditions related to the programming of the ECM or a signal failure. A failure of the internal program of the ECM is associated with this diagnostic code as well. The fault messages displayed in Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat® ET) Service Tool or via the operator monitor include "programmed parameter fault" or other machine monitoring failures.

Note: The correct sales model and product identification must be programmed when new software is flashed to the ECM.

All the attachments for the machine are configured in the ECM. The ECM activates the 268-2 diagnostic code when an attachment is configured incorrectly.

Diagnostic Trouble Code Procedure

Table 2
Required Tools 
Tool  Part Number  Description  Qty 
T1  146-4080(1)  Digital Multimeter Group 
8T-3224 Needle Tip Group 
7X-1710 Multimeter Probe Group 
8T-8726 Cable Assembly (Three Pin) (3-Pin Breakout) 
T2  JERD2129  Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat ET) 
Windows-based PC 
538-5051 Communication Adapter Gp 
T3  6V-4148  Connector Repair Kit (Sure Seal) 
T4  190-8900  Connector Field Repair Kit (Deutsch) 
T5  175-3700  Connector Repair Kit Deutsch DT 
(1) This multimeter can use an RS232C cable to connect to a Laptop computer or Dataview tool gp for troubleshooting.

  1. Identify the active FMI code associated with the components.

  2. Determine which code is present and use the list below to determine which procedure to follow.

  • FMI 2 diagnostic code, proceed to Table "FMI 2".


Table 3
Verify The Configuration Of The Sales Model 
Troubleshooting Test Steps  Values  Results 
1. Use the Cat® Electronic Technician (Cat ET) Service Tool to verify that the ECM is configured to the default setting configuration.  The ECM has been configured correctly to the default setting configuration.  Result: The ECM has been configured correctly to the default setting configuration.

Verify that the new configuration has corrected the problem before attempting to operate the machine.

Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic Code Remains" Table 5.

Result: The ECM does not have the appropriate sales model and product identification.

Proceed to "Configure The ECM" Table 4. 

Table 4
Configure The ECM 
Troubleshooting Test Steps  Values  Results 
1. Use Cat® ET to reset the configuration to the default setting configuration. Enter the correct information for sales model and product identification.

2. Reset the installation status to the correct type for the attachments that are installed on the machine. 
The ECM is configured to the default setting configuration.  Result: The ECM is configured to the default setting configuration.

Verify that the new configuration has corrected the problem before attempting to operate the machine.

Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic Code Remains" Table 5.

Result: The ECM is not configured to the default setting configuration.

Repair: Repeat this procedure.

If the diagnostic code remains active or repeatedly activated and no cause can be found, flash the ECM with the latest software version. Ensure that you have the latest software version for your specific machine and ECM. Refer to the Troubleshooting, "ECM Software - Install" section of this manual for the correct procedure.

If the problem is still present after flashing the latest software to the ECM, contact the Technical Communicator at your dealership for a possible consultation with AVSpare.

Proceed to "Check If The Diagnostic Code Remains" Table 5. 

Table 5
Check If The Diagnostic Code Remains 
Troubleshooting Test Steps  Values  Results 
1. Turn the key start switch and the disconnect switch ON.

2. Clear all diagnostic codes.

3. Operate the machine.

4. Stop the machine and engage the safety lock lever.

5. Check if the diagnostic code is active. 
The diagnostic code is no longer present.  Result: The diagnostic code does not exist currently. Resume machine operation.


Result: The diagnostic trouble code has not been corrected. If the diagnostic code has not been corrected after performing the procedure a second time, the ECM may require replacement.

Prior to replacing the ECM, always contact the Technical Communicator at your dealership for possible consultation with AVSpare. This consultation may effect repair time.

Follow the steps in Troubleshooting, "ECM - Replace" if the ECM needs to be replaced.


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