Illustration 1 | g06618006 |
Right Console (1) Display (2) Propel lever |
Display (1) and propel lever (2) are on the right console. The display contains information about the propel system. The parking brake applied and operator not present operational icons are in the top portion of the display screen.
The propel joystick provides input to the machine ECM through the CAN lines. The machine ECM uses the input signal from the propel lever to determine the desired speed and direction. The machine ECM also uses this input signal as one of the parameters for parking brake control.
The center position of propel lever (2) is the NEUTRAL position. When the joystick is in this position, the machine ECM engages the parking brake.
The desired travel direction is set to forward when the propel joystick is moved toward display (1). The desired travel direction is set to reverse when the propel lever is moved from the center and away from the display. The farther the operator moves propel lever (2) out of the NEUTRAL position, the greater the desired travel speed.
Note: Propel lever (2) interacts with much of the propel system operation. Propel lever logic will be found throughout the Propel Section.
Illustration 2 | g06618111 |
Right Console (1) Parking brake button (2) Propel mode button (3) Propel speed dial (4) E-STOP switch |
The keypad on the right console contains switches that allow the operator to control the machine speed and the propel mode. E-STOP switch (4) is also on the right console.
Parking brake button (1) is on the right console. The machine ECM directly monitors input from the parking brake button. The keypad communicates with the machine ECM through the CAN lines.
Propel mode button (2) allows the operator to set the propulsion mode to low, high, or travel. With each depression of the switch, the machine ECM toggles the propel mode. Pushing the button while operating in travel mode will switch the propel mode to high. The selected propel mode is maintained through a key cycle.
The propel mode indicators on propel mode button (2) provide the operator with an indication of the currently selected mode. When the machine is in low mode, the vibratory system is enabled and the water sprayer is enabled. When the machine is in high mode, the vibratory system is enabled and the water sprayer is enabled.
Note: Travel mode is functionally equivalent to operating the propel system in high mode, except when in travel mode, the implement systems are disabled.
Note: When the propulsion mode is set to high or roading, the front propulsion motor operates in the high-speed mode and the rear motor operates in the low-speed mode.
Propel speed dial (3) and the joystick work together to control the speed and direction of the machine. The target machine speed is set by the propel speed dial. The joystick determines the desired travel direction and desired percent of the target speed.
Propel speed dial (3) is a rotary encoder device that turns freely through discrete detent positions in both directions. Clockwise rotation of the propel speed dial increases the desired percent of target speed to a maximum for the selected travel mode. Counterclockwise rotation of the dial decreases the desired percent of target speed to zero.
On the display the operator may choose to display the speed control value as a speed over ground or in "Impacts Per Foot" (ipf). All values on the screen shall show ipf when the machine is configured this way. The configuration shall be in the display as a value: "Ipf1" = impacts per foot x 10.
Note: The "Impacts Per Foot" value may be changed to metric, measured as "Impacts Per Meter".
E-stop switch (4) is a push-button switch. The pushed down position of the switch is the STOP position. The pulled up position of the switch is the RUN position. The machine ECM monitors the position of this switch.
Control Logic (Parking Brake Switch)
Illustration 3 | g06618096 |
Parking Brake Switch Indicator (5) Parking brake switch logic (6) Parking brake switch lever out of neutral logic |
The LED indicator on the parking brake button indicates the parking brake status. The indicator is configured as follows:
- Parking brake, ON - The indicator on the button is illuminated.
- Lever out of neutral - fault, FLASHING - The indicator on the button is illuminated and flashing.
- Parking brake, OFF - The indicator on the button is not illuminated.
When the parking brake is enabled, the indicator on the parking brake switch is illuminated. In this condition, the parking brake icon on the display is also illuminated.
When the parking brake is disabled, the indicator on the parking brake switch is not illuminated. In this condition, the parking brake icon on the display is also not illuminated.
The propel lever is used to determine whether a lever out neutral notification should be triggered. This notification is triggered when parking brake switch is applied, and the propel lever is moved out of the NEUTRAL position. The parking brake LED indicator flashes when the notification is active. If the lever is moved back into neutral, the parking brake indicator will resume steady illumination.
Illustration 4 | g06618102 |
Propel Mode (7) Propel mode logic (8) Propel mode moving logic |
While in park, the propel mode switch is used to cycle through the propel modes: low, high, and travel. When the propel mode is set to low, the left propel mode indicator is illuminated. When the propel mode is set to high, the left and middle indicators are illuminated. When the propel mode is set to travel, all three indicators are illuminated.
Travel mode can have a unique target speed. The machine must be stopped to enter travel mode. When the machine is stopped in high, travel mode can be selected when the button is pressed and held for 2 seconds. When the propel mode is set to travel, all three indicators are illuminated. To exit travel, press-and-hold is not required. A single button press will transition to low.
Transition from low to high is allowed while the machine is moving. When the button is pressed while the machine is in motion, travel mode toggles between low and high. When this dynamic shifting is allowed, the target speed for low and high is the same. The target speed value is captured and stored in non-volatile memory during mode transition.
Switching high to low will transition from the current speed to a new speed. This transition will not be bump-less, but will result in the same ground speed, if possible. If the top speed in high cannot be met in low gear, the machine will slow down.
Switching gears will adjust the speed control value for the machine. This adjustment will reduce the jerk of the machine when switching gears as much as possible. Each mode shall have a unique target speed stored through a key cycle.
Note: When the propel speed range control button is in low mode, the compactor will decelerate more rapidly when the propel lever is returned to the "NEUTRAL" position.
Control Logic (Propel Speed Control)
Illustration 5 | g06618105 |
Propel Speed Control (9) Propel speed control logic |
The speed control dial is used to control the max speed of the machine. The speed control is mapped to a value of 0 to 100%. When the speed dial is set to 0%, there are no LED indicators illuminated. If the operator moves the propel lever out of neutral, the machine does not move.
The speed control is mapped to a value of 0 to 100%. Spinning the dial clockwise will increase the value by a specified amount (default 2%). Each time the ECM detects that the speed dial has been rotated into a new detent position, the input value is changed by 2 percent. Clockwise rotation of speed dial increases desired percent of target speed, and counterclockwise rotation decreases desired percent of target speed. After the target speed has reached 0 or 100 percent, further input from the encoder is ignored until the dial is rotated the opposite direction.
Every time the dial is turned a pop-up screen will appear on the display showing the speed control amount. The displayed value of this amount will change as the propel speed control is rotated. The target speed value can be displayed as a speed unit or as impacts per foot / meter as selected by the operator.
The target speed will disappear after 2 seconds of dial inactivity. Five seconds after dial inactivity, the selected state will be saved into the memory. This desired setting will be saved through a key cycle.
The desired percent of target speed and the propel lever signal are multiplied together to produce a command signal. This speed control setting changes the curve of the command signal. Thus, this setting changes the speed at which the machine will travel for a given position of the propel lever.
Thirteen speed control indicators, above the propel speed dial, illuminate in sequence to indicate the percent of target speed chosen. The LEDs around the dial will display the impact spacing setting that corresponds to the speed control percentage and the current desired vibe speed.
When all the indicators are dark, the desired percent of target speed is set to 0 percent. In this case, the machine will remain stationary when the propel lever is moved. When each indicator is illuminated, the desired percent of target speed is set to 100 percent. Each indicator represents an approximate 7 percent change in target speed.
The LED's for the propel speed dial are used to gage "Impacts Per Foot"(ipf) for compaction. The green area designates favorable compaction speeds. The different green LED's represent the number of impacts per foot or impacts per meter depending on the display settings chosen. The first amber indicates more than 15 ipf. The first green LED is 12 ipf and the last green LED is for 8 ipf. The last amber indicates 3 or less ipf. The amber area designates poor compaction speeds.
The machine ECM will disable the propel system if any of the following level-two faults or events are active:
- Propel mode shift solenoid fault
- Five-volt sensor supply fault
- Joystick fault
- Propel keypad fault
The machine ECM will disable the propel system when any of the following level-three faults or events are active:
- E-stop fault
- Parking brake solenoid fault
360 Seat and Operator Present Switch
Illustration 6 | g06618112 |
Under Seat (1) Right seat switch (2) Left seat switch (3) Seat rotation stops |
The 360° seat position switches are at the base of the operator seat. A removable panel provides access to these components.
The machine ECM monitors the state of seat position switches to determine the position of the operator seat. When right seat switch (1) is closed and left seat switch (2) is open, the machine ECM determines the seat is facing forward. When the right seat switch is open and left seat switch is closed, the machine ECM determines the seat is facing rearward.
When both seat position switches are closed, the machine ECM determines that the operator seat is in a transitional position. Under these conditions, the propel system is temporarily disabled until one of the seat position switches is open.
When both seat position switches are open, the machine ECM logs a level 3 fault and disables the propel and steering systems.
Seat rotation stops (3) allow the operator to rotate the seat either clockwise or counterclockwise 180° from the machine forward position.
Note: The operator presence switch (not shown) is in the operators seat and functions to help determine whether the operator is present. The machine will trigger "Operator Not Present" (ONP) indicator when the operator is not in seat.
Back-up Alarm Relays and Back-up Alarms
Illustration 7 | g06618114 |
Right Side of Machine (4) 360 back-up alarm relay (5) Back-up alarm relay |
360 back-up alarm relay (4) and back-up alarm relay (5) are in the fuse and relay bank on the right side of the machine. The door on the right side of the machine provides access to these components.
When the propel lever is moved to the reverse range, the machine ECM energizes the coil of back-up alarm relay (5). When the relay is energized, power transfers to the gate of 360 back-up alarm relay (4).
Illustration 8 | g06618503 |
Back of Machine (6) Back-up alarm |
Illustration 9 | g06618512 |
Back of Machine (6) Back-up alarm (7) 360 back-up alarm |
The appropriate back-up alarm sounds whenever the propel lever is moved into reverse. A back-up alarm is at each end of the machine.
Back-up alarm (6) is at the rear of the machine, behind the water tank. A second identical back-up alarm is on the front of the machine when the optional 360 degree operator station is installed. This machine front-mounted back-alarm is 360 back-up alarm (7).
Control Logic (360 Seat and Backup Alarm)
Illustration 10 | g06618455 |
Seat and Backup Alarm Logic (8) 360 seat logic (9) Back-up alarm logic |
When the optional 360-degree operator station is installed and the operator station is facing rearward, the propel lever, back-up alarm, and turn signals recognize the new "front" of the machine and operate accordingly. In this case, the back-up alarm on the front of the machine will be activated when the propel lever is in the reverse range.
The machine ECM uses the 360 back-up alarm relay to control which back-up alarm is activated. When the seat is facing the actual front of the machine, the machine ECM does nothing, and power transfers to the rear back-up alarm. When the seat is facing the actual rear of the machine, the machine ECM provides a ground path for the coil of the relay. In this case, power transfers across the relay to the 360 back-up alarm.
Control Logic (Operator Not Present)
Illustration 11 | g06618462 |
Operator Not Present Logic (10) Operator not present display logic |
When the machine is stationary, the parking brake switch applied, and the operator is not in the seat, the Operator Not Present (ONP) icon is not illuminated.
When the machine is stationary and the parking brake switch released, the ONP icon is illuminated on the display. This icon indicates that operator presence is required to start operating the machine. Also, the machine will not propel if the operator is not in the seat.
When the operator sits back in the seat while lever is not in the NEUTRAL position, the ONP indicator will turn off. At the same time, the operator notification for "lever out of neutral" will be triggered.
The "lever out of neutral" condition is visually indicated by the flashing LED on the parking brake switch. This indicator will turn off once the lever is moved to the NEUTRAL position or the parking brake switch is applied.
Control Logic (Operator Not Present)
Illustration 12 | g06618498 |
Operator Not Present Logic (11) Operator not present while moving logic |
The Operator Not Present (ONP) logic will be activated when machine is moving and the operator is not in seat for more than 1.5 seconds. In this case, the ONP icon will illuminate on the display and an audible alarm will sound when this event is activated.
Note: The display treats this situation as Level 2S code.
At this point, the machine will continue to function with the warnings. The operator may clear the ONP icon and alarm by sitting back in the seat.
Alternately, the operator may move the propel lever to the NEUTRAL position or engage the parking brake. The machine will come to a stop and the ONP icon and alarm will be cleared.
The machine ECM will disable the propel system if any of the following level-two faults or events are active:
- Five-volt sensor supply fault
- Joystick fault
- Propel keypad fault
The machine ECM will disable the propel system when any of the following level-three faults or events are active:
- E-stop fault
- Parking brake solenoid fault
- Operator seat switch faults or events