VIMS Communicator Browser Interface Caterpillar

Browser Interface
1.1. Connecting
2.1. Home
3.1. Network
4.2. Network Settings
5.3. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) on/off
6.3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Settings
7.1. Auto File DL
8.1. Manual File DL
9.1. Manage Vital Information Management System (VIMS)
10.1. Diagnostic
11.1. Manage Unit
12.1. Utilities
13.2. VIMS Communicator Toolkit
14.3. VIMS Communicator Web Page Setup
15.3. File Download Viewing
16.3. Polled Parameters

A basic knowledge of how to use a browser interface is required for this manual. All of the pages on the web site (VIMS Communicator) are easily navigated through the use of the navigation pane. You must click the "Submit" button or the "Save Changes" button in order for the changes to be saved.


To view the internal web page on the VIMS Communicator box, simply type the IP address of the VIMS Communicator you desire to view into the address bar of a browser on a PC that is connected to the same network as the VIMS Communicator. If you do not know the IP address of the box you are trying to view, run the MAPVIMS program. Refer to the "Utilities" section.


The "Home" page welcomes the user to the VIMS Communicator Interface. You can also download the transaction log from this page.


Use the "Network" page in order to change all of the network settings for the VIMS Communicator.

Network Settings

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) on/off

Turn on the DHCP in order to have a DHCP server assign the IP address of the VIMS Communicator. Turn off the DHCP if you want to assign the following information:

  • Your own static IP address

  • Your own Subnet Mask

  • Your own Default Gateway

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Settings

The IP address and login credentials for the FTP server to which you want the VIMS Communicator to send its downloaded files. Username and password are limited to 15 characters.

Auto File DL

Manage the schedule for the downloads of all files. First, decide which files will be downloaded weekly versus daily. Additionally, decide if the files need to be reset after the download. Next, choose the times for the daily downloads and the weekly downloads.

Note: You can choose to reactivate the data logger, after the reset.

Manual File DL

Trigger immediate downloads and/or resets of checked files without interfering with the scheduled downloads.

Manage Vital Information Management System (VIMS)

From this screen you can start the data logger and stop the data logger. Additionally, you can get the current status information for VIMS.


Internal diagnostic variables for factory-assisted troubleshooting.

Manage Unit

From this page you can perform the following tasks:

  • Reformat the file system

  • Reboot the VIMS Communicator

  • Change the login credentials

Note: The username and the password are limited to 15 characters.


VIMS Communicator Toolkit

VIMS Communicator Toolkit is a separate program that is available through Media Logistics. VIMS Communicator Toolkit is for use with the VIMS Communicator system only. The Toolkit has two major purposes:

  • Provide VIMS Communicator users with a simple interface to open a VIMS Communicator web page and/or view downloaded files in the office.

  • Allow for basic polling and display of parameter values from the VIMS onboard telemetry port.

VIMS Communicator Web Page Setup

The Toolkit provides the user with a quick method of opening a VIMS Communicator web page without having to remember the system IP address. This can be accomplished by selecting a machine. Then, the toolkit program will open a web browser page that will be populated with the correct IP address.

File Download Viewing

The Toolkit provides the user with a quick method to remember the file path. Select "View Files". The Toolkit will open the destination folder in a file explorer window.

Access the destination folder or the local ftp site in order to see which VIMS files have been downloaded.

Polled Parameters

The Toolkit allows the user to poll up to 6 VIMS telemetry port parameters from a single machine. The selected parameters can be graphed and the selected parameters can be graphed displayed at a frequency that is selected by the user. The Toolkit also allows for the retrieval of the Service Meter Hours (SMH) for the machine. For more information please consult the VIMS Communicator Manual that is located on the CD.

Information System: